ZBIRS Boss Bags Zamfara State Students Association Award, Describes As Icon of Community Services September 25, 2021


The award was given to the Executive Chairman Zamfara State Board of Internal Revenue Service Hon Ali Akilu Muhammad Dama, Santurakin Kwatarkwashi, Mayanan Maru. The Ceremony took place in ABU Zaria Main Campus.

Identified with his sterling qualities, proven track record, personal attributes and contributions on education. Zamfara State Students Association, out of its wisdom to honour nationalist for their role model credentials, deemed it fit to honour Hon Dama with honorary award of excellence.

According to the President of the Association Comr Mustapha Adamu, said. The organization found the Executive Chairman of ZBIRS worthy of the honour for his outstanding role, immense contribution and selfless service to humanity towards the development of Education sector.

For the avoidance of doubt, however, the chairman is using his energy, brain, resources and scarce time in wiping the tears of individuals, groups and organizations by obliging to whatever demands table before him. The statement said

He is such of few individuals in the society that deserve not only commendation, but attestation and award for aspirations of the people with human face. President added

We pray to the Almighty ALLAH SWA to multiply his wealth’s, kindness and we wish him prosperity, Allah’s guide and direction in all his future endeavours. He lamented

In his response, the Executive Chairman Zamfara State Board of Internal Revenue Service hon Ali Akilu Muhammad Dama represented by the Technical Assistant Sufyanu Usman Ruwan Dorawa thanks the management of the Association for finding it Worthy to award the board head with such an award of excellence. Indeed, it’s a challenge, as he said, their is no sweet without sweat

The Chairman said, his door is always open to support anything that will benefit his people particularly educational sector. Mayana also said, on behalf of himself and the management staff of the Board thanks the Students Association for finding it Worthy with such an award.

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